Graduate Record Examinations
- The Graduate Record Examination(GRE) is a standardized test that is an admissions requirement for most Graduate Schools in the United States.
- Created and administered by the Educational Testing Service(ETS) in 1949,the exam aims to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning, analytical writing, and critical thinking skills that have been acquired over a long period of time and that are not entirely based on any specific field of study outside of the GRE itself.
- The GRE General Test is offered as a computer-based exam administered at Prometrictesting centers.
- GRE Test Structure
- Scoring
- The computer-based GRE can be taken once every 21 days, up to five times within any continuous period of 12 months.
- This includes test attempts in which the score was cancelled by the candidate.
No. of questions
Analytical Writing
Task 1 – Analyse an Issue
30 minutes
(One section with two separately timed tasks)
Task 2 – Analyse an Argument task
30 minutes
Verbal Reasoning
20 questions per section
30 minutes per section
(Two sections)
Quantitative Reasoning
20 questions per section
35 minutes per section
(Two sections)
- Verbal Reasoning score reported on a 130–170 score scale, in 1-point increments
- Quantitative Reasoning score reported on a 130–170 score scale, in 1-point increments
- Analytical Writing score reported on a 0–6 score scale, in half-point increments
- There is no negative marking and leaving a question doesn’t impact the score at all.